How to Overcome Your Insecurities and Become Unstoppable
We all have them.
Unfortunately, most of us let our insecurities have way too much control over our lives. We let them dictate our actions and hold us back from pursuing our goals. We let them instill us with fear and define who we are.
When it comes down to it though, insecurities are really just the cumulation of all the limitations that we place on ourselves. And those limitations make up the invisible mountain that stands between who we are and who we want to be.
I’m willing to bet that any excuse you’ve ever made is the result of some kind of insecurity you have. Think about the last time you passed up an opportunity or strayed away from doing something that you know would have been beneficial for you or advanced you in some way.
If you’ve ever held yourself back, it’s probably because you felt inadequate. You probably convinced yourself that you didn’t have what it takes. Unfortunately, insecurities are rooted deep in the mind and, while it may be challenging, it is possible to overcome them.
Confidence is silent. Insecurities are loud.
I’ve struggled with many insecurities throughout my life — and still do. I’ve spent many years working on building my confidence, but there’s still occurrences when insecurities get the best of me.
Oftentimes, I’d rather text than talk on the phone because I’m insecure about how well I can hold a conversation. I’d rather skip business meetings because I’m insecure about my ability to deliver valuable insights. I’d rather find distractions to occupy my mind than work on building my business because I’m insecure about whether or not I have what it takes to deliver on the vision within my own head.
Even writing this short article came with a bit of hesitation as I often find myself insecure with my writing capabilities and doubt myself on my ability to fully articulate and communicate my ideas.
But, I’ve found the best way to get over your insecurities is to embrace them.
Learning to embrace your insecurities.
Life can be challenging. It’s normal to doubt yourself, especially when you’re stepping into the unknown. You shouldn’t be expected to feel “secure” when starting a new endeavor.
It’s important to understand that in order to grow and evolve as a person, you’re going to have to be comfortable with being uncomfortable.
Once you learn to stop beating yourself up over your insecurities, you can then focus on pushing past them. And the best way to overcome your insecurities is to do the exact thing that makes you insecure in the first place.
When I’m feeling reluctant to speak, write, or take the necessary steps to reach new milestones, those are the exact things that I need to be doing. By speaking more, writing more, and accomplishing new goals, I become less insecure and over time those insecurities have less control over me.
A phrase that I tell myself routinely is: “Stop dwelling, start doing.” If I find myself focusing too much on my flaws, it’s because I’m not seeing enough progress or results in those areas. When you stop dwelling on your shortcomings and start taking steps towards becoming the best possible version of yourself, well, that’s when remarkable transformations start to occur.
Step out of your comfort zone and do whatever it is you fear. Eventually all your insecurities will be in the past.